This to me is parental presence. Everything we do (and don't do) influencing their development, influencing their values, influencing the direction of their lives, influencing the next generation, and the one after that, and the one after that, and so on.
It's about being there in whatever way they need within the limits of our resources.
Offering comfort & security. On the days where we don't have a lot to give, or when things are just so so challenging, we can do this by just getting up and doing it all again tomorrow - in the best way we can.
Fun & laughter. Taking an interest in what they're interest in. Inviting them to join us in the activities that interest us. Singing. Dancing. Being silly. Even after things have been particularly tricky, especially after things have been particularly tricky.
Limits & guidance. Making our expectations clear. Standing firm. Having the difficult conversations.
The occasional wise push towards independence. Being busy when they need a lift in the hopes they'll get the bus instead. Avoiding rescuing when they don't need to be rescued.
Mostly intentional & from an attuned heart.