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Nov 23, 20242 min read
NVR - evidence base and adaptability
NVR as a parenting approach was developed in the 1990s to help parents take a firm stance around harmful behaviours - like drugs,...

Nov 19, 20241 min read
What's the story?
The stories we tell ourselves matter. Whether emotions shape our narrative or our narrative shapes our emotions is up for debate. But one...

Nov 16, 20241 min read
From 'carnage' to calm
Finished an incredible journey with a neurodivergent family this week. We started working together about a year ago. At that point every...

Oct 18, 20242 min read
Emotion Coaching
Emotion coaching has come up a few times this week in work with parents. When the first emotion we see and feel from our children is...

Oct 9, 20241 min read
Parental presence when we're burnt out...
I'm delivering an NVR group at the moment and this morning we were thinking about increasing our presence (in their minds and hearts)...

Sep 21, 20242 min read
NVR parenting - warm and firm
Deciding where to set our expectations for our children can be tricky when there's trauma, disabilities, and other things going on like...

Sep 11, 20241 min read
Where there's family violence there's shame
Where there’s family violence, there’s shame. Children can be violent and aggressive for all sorts of reasons. For some children big...

Aug 21, 20242 min read
Things I manage not to say
Children’s brains are wired differently to adult brains. The bits of the brain that help us manage our emotions and impulses, reflect on...

Aug 19, 20242 min read
Say yes to the feelings
This right here is the key to therapeutic parenting - saying yes to the feelings (or ideas, or thoughts, or wishes, or drives) while also...

Aug 7, 20242 min read
Children who need love the most...
Parenting is hard. Really hard. Therapeutic parenting is beyond hard. In all the therapeutic parenting advice (specific to...

Jul 28, 20242 min read
The language of children's harmful behaviour
The terminology around children's harmful behaviour is tricky and language matters. The language we use influences whether families...

Jul 9, 20242 min read
Kind stories
This is a really hard one for parents/carers of children who struggle to regulate their emotions or manage their behaviour in safe and...

Jul 5, 20241 min read
Letting go
There's a lot of letting go in NVR. One of the things we can let go of is the idea that we're responsible for the actions and responses...

Jul 2, 20241 min read
Achieving better connections
Last year friend and colleague Al Coates and I wrote a parenting course for a local authority to use as their default training for...

Apr 17, 20241 min read
Self care
Being told to make space for self care when things are difficult can feel shallow & it can highlight just how little people understand...

Apr 13, 20241 min read
It's okay to pay a high price
“It’s okay to pay a price if you’re buying something valuable.” This section is from a book by Eli Lebowitz and Haim Omer. It’s about the...

Apr 6, 20242 min read
Realistic therapeutic parenting
Parenting is hard. Really hard. Therapeutic parenting is beyond hard. In all the therapeutic parenting advice (specific to...
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